Deponia Internet AU


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In this humble AU, 22 more or less well-known characters from Deponia make their appearance - but not just on the screen as we are used to but actually as these behind the screen! In this AU, we have everything - from DIY YouTubers to fitness influencers, streaming gods, activists, businessmen to utter fanboys and science cracks! In the following pages, our involuntery participans will be introduced and you'll find a rough outline for a plot. You'll find the characters grouped according to interactions or friendships!  Additionally to these notes introducing our favourite disasters on two legs and the devlish things they shall have to suffer, you'll also find multiple little things like songs that fit their vibs, some quotes or asthetics that seem to go with them or similar on their pages. You might also come across some pages with a few extracts for a consistent fanfiction, but no promises there.

Deponia official website (this AU is based on that videogame)
You can read more information here
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